Hershey Area Playhouse Theatre Academy Offers Winter and Spring Sessions for Students in Grades 1 to 12

Hershey Area Playhouse is pleased to offer information on upcoming winter and spring sessions for students in grades 1 to 12. The winter program will run from January 15 to March 5. The new spring intensive will run from March 19 to April 23. For each session, there will be a friends and family performance on the last day.

Grades 1-3 — Bringing Characters to Life!

January 15 to March 5
Saturdays, 9 to 10:30 am  
Cost: $140.00

In this fast-paced and encouraging atmosphere, students will learn how to become characters like—and unlike—themselves. They will work on understanding the physical, vocal and emotional components of a character and how best to express them. These students, whether they have had experience or have never been on a stage before, will have fun with various games and exercises geared for their young ages.

Grades 4-6 — Say Yes And…!

January 15 to March 5
Saturdays, 10:30 am to noon
Cost: $140.00

The focus for this 8-week session is improvisation. The middle grade students will learn the rules of improv and apply them in exercises for individuals, pairs and groups. Actors with little or no experience in theater will learn what Improv is all about. Those with some knowledge of the art of improv will jump right in and explore the possibilities. Teachers will lead the class from simple games and exercises to more detailed and challenging ones, encouraging all students to create different characters along the way—and have fun while doing it.

Grades 7-12 — Say Yes And…!

January 15 to March 5
Saturdays, 1 to 3 pm  
Cost: $180.00

The older group of students will also focus on the rules and creativity of improvisation. They will work on games and exercises involving individual work, partners and teams. The basics will be taught and then challenges will be added each Saturday. In addition to the familiar improv exercises, the teachers will introduce theater sports and long form improv scenes. 

New! Acting Intensive 6-week Spring Session 

March 19 to April 23
Saturdays, 10 am to noon
Cost: $195

Students in grades 7-12 will have a unique experience exploring scripted material. They will dig deeply into the written word for clues to characters and emotion. Through scenes and monologues, the actors in this class will have the opportunity to discover the playwright’s intent for specific pieces and learn how to then perform them for an audience. A sharing time will be open to friends and family on the final Saturday, April 23. Debra Macut, Broadway and regional actor, will be the lead teacher, helping students to learn and grow.

The Playhouse is committed to the health and safety of students and teachers. CDC guidelines will be followed.

Registration information can be found at the Playhouse website www.hersheyareaplayhouse.com in the Theatre Academy section. For other questions, contact Jill Panyard at jillpanyard@gmail.com.

Amanda Forr